Geo Technical Engineer ToR - Helmand Construction Directorate


د ملي پراختیا شرکت کار اهل کارته د سپارلو په موخه، په تعداد د (1 بست) Geo Technical Engineer ToR د غوره، ښو او وړو کسانو د ګومارنې په موخه د آزادې سيالۍ له لارې اعلان ته سپاري.

په شرایطو برابر لیواله غوښتونکي کولی شي چې خپل غوښتونلیکونه په انلاین توګه د ملي پراختیا شرکت د ګمارنې سیسټم د ( د غوښتنلیک ثبتونې فورم) لینک له لاری خپل غوښتنلیکونه راولیږي.

د غوښتنې پر مهال د یاد بست د دندې کود مطابق خپله دنده د غوښتنلیک ثبتونې فورم په اړونده برخه کې وټاکئ.

د بست / دندې معلومات:
د دندې عنوان: Geo Technical Engineer ToR
بست: قراردادی
د بست شمېر: 1
اړوند ریاست / آمریت: Helmand Construction Directorate
د دندې ځای: Kabul / Balkh
د دندې کود: HR/NDC/HCD/03/023
د اعلان د شروع او پای نیټه: 1402-03-07 - 1402-03-17
راپور ورکوول: To head of Unit
راپور اخیستل: N/A
د دندې موخه / موخي:
• The Geotechnical Engineer will be in charged for all activities related to identifying, testing, and classifying of rock and similar naturally occurring materials existing in the project area and/or required for the project
په دنده پوری تړلی مسؤلیتونه:

Key responsibilities

  • The Geotechnical Engineer will be in charged for all activities related to identifying, testing, and classifying of rock and similar naturally occurring materials existing in the project area and/or required for the project;
  • Inspecting the composition of naturally occurring formations at each prospective site.
  • Drawing an array of samples and studying these in the laboratory.
  • Determining the likelihood of consequential movements in the land.
  • Reviewing prevailing weather patterns and searching for noteworthy anomalies.
  • Suggesting effective fixes to Geo technical obstacles.
  • Calculating all requisite costs and material resources.
  • Sharing your final evidence-based verdicts with stakeholders.
  • Gathering and analyzing data.
  • Looking at the risk of geological hazards and making sure any factors affecting engineering works are identified and managed.
  • Advising on procedures required and the suitability of construction materials.
  • Using specialist computer software to create analytical 2D and 3D models.
  • Consulting geological maps and aerial photographs to advise on site selection.
  • Assisting with the design of built structures, using specialized computer software or calculations.
  • Planning detailed field investigations by drilling and analyzing samples of deposits or bedrock.
  • Supervising ground investigations and budgets.
  • Advising on and testing a range of construction materials including sand, gravel, bricks and clay.
  • Making recommendations on the proposed use of a site.
  • Managing staff, including other engineering geologists, Geo technical engineers, consultants and contractors.
  • Working to preserve and protect the physical environment.
  • Analyzing sites and designs for environmentally sensitive developments, such as landfill.
  • Participating in the general daily routine of field testing practices;
  • Successfully carry out project work (including fieldwork) in accordance with budgetary limits, and time constraints.
  • Carry out engineering geology studies and investigations, supervise field testing and sampling and analysis of results using accepted methods and or computer applications.
  • Report and deliver results of investigations and reports in accordance with accepted standard requirements.
د ګمارنی شرایط (د زده کړو کچه او کاري تجربي):

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree in Geo Technical Engineering/Geology faculty, Master’s degree is preferred.
  • Demonstrable experience as a Geo Technical Engineer.
  • Expertise in Geology, Climatology, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
  • Refined sample extraction and transportation skills.
  • Well-honed and updated laboratory skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication abilities.